Let's discuss about Peltier coolers #8 - Cooling the hot side - Part 3

In this video I continue the experimentation with the vapor-assisted cooling. I wanted to see the change in the temperature of the hot plate of the CPU cooler just by exposing it to some mist and airflow. The setup is very simple. I used some plastic container, cut some holes on the lid, filled up the container with some water and put a mist maker in the water. The mist was either sucked out or pushed out from the container. It seems that pushing is better because the mist covers the lamellae of the heat sink better.

In the next video, I will attach a Peltier cooler to the CPU cooler and test it with and without the mist.


Let's discuss about Peltier coolers #9 - Cooling the hot side - Part 4


Let's discuss about Peltier coolers #7 - "Enhanced" water cooler