Let's discuss about Peltier coolers #9 - Cooling the hot side - Part 4

In this video, I continue the work I started in the previous video. This time, I attached a TEC12708 to a CPU cooler, then tested it with and without vapor-assistance. The results were very good. The minimum temperature without vapor was -20.5°C. The minimum temperature with vapor was -24.5°C, so we gained 4 extra degrees. In both cases, I provided the same power to the Peltier cooler, 10.1 V and 3.8 A. I also tried to increase the current with vapor cooling and I could real -27.4°C which is a new record for me with a single Peltier cooler. Previously, I could reach -25.2°C at the same current (5.5 A).

Keep in mind, that the cold side is well insulated, so the heat transfer (thus the Qc) is negligible. This is what allows the high DT value, therefore low cold side temperature.


4 channel strain gauge circuit demonstration


Let's discuss about Peltier coolers #8 - Cooling the hot side - Part 3