MINIQ BG6300 milling table with stepper motors and AS5600 encoder
In this video I show you the final iteration of my stepper motor driven milling table project. I added the AS5600 magnetic position encoders to each stepper motors so I know the exact position of the shaft which I can use to calculate the displacement of the table. Of course I could do the same using the number of steps, but it is not reliable and I also wanted to do this as an exercise and proof of concept for future projects. Unfortunately, I mixed up the wiring for the joystick, so that part of the demo is not as good as I wanted to, but I explain everything about the mistake I did.
Relevant topics:
MINIQ BG6300 milling table with stepper motors
Source code
#include <Wire.h> //i2C #include <SPI.h> #include <AccelStepper.h> //accelstepper library AccelStepper stepper(1, PB11, PB10); // direction PB10, step PB11 AccelStepper stepper2(1, PB1, PB0); // direction PB0, step PB1 //Pins const byte analog_X_pin = PA6; //x-axis joystick readings const byte analog_Y_pin = PA3; //y-axis joystick readings const byte joystickSW_pin = PB12; //Joystick button //Variables int analog_X = 0; //x-axis value int analog_Y = 0; //y-axis value //int xvalue = 0; //just for testing purposes //int yvalue = 0; float xDistanceMM = 0; //distance travelled by the x-axis float yDistanceMM = 0; //distance travelled by the y-axis int buttonTimer = 0; //stores a reading from millis() - used for "debouncing" the joystick's button int updateTimer = 0; //stores a reading from millis() - used as a non-blocking update interval volatile int buttonMenuCounter = 0; //Volatile -> It will be changed in the ISR() int prevButton = 1; //It stores the previous state of the menu position //---------------------------------------------------------------------- //The LCD-related code was based on the following library: // //Defining the pins for the Nokia 5110 LCD #define N5110_RST PA0 #define N5110_CS PA4 #define N5110_DC PA1 #define N5110_BACKLIGHT PA2 //Nokia pins: //RST: PA0 //CS: PA4 //DC: PA1 //BL: PA2 (optional) //DIN: PA7 //CLK: PA5 #include "math.h" #include "N5110_SPI.h" #if USESPI==1 #endif N5110_SPI lcd(N5110_RST, N5110_CS, N5110_DC); // RST,CS,DC #include "c64enh_font.h" //smaller font #include "term9x14_font.h" //larger font char buf[25]; //buffer array for printing on the LCD //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Magnetic sensor things - ENC 1 int magnetStatus_1 = 0; //value of the status register (MD, ML, MH) int lowbyte_1; //raw angle 7:0 word highbyte_1; //raw angle 7:0 and 11:8 int rawAngle_1; //final raw angle float degAngle_1; //raw angle in degrees (360/4096 * [value between 0-4095]) int quadrantNumber_1, previousquadrantNumber_1; //quadrant IDs float numberofTurns_1 = 0; //number of turns float correctedAngle_1 = 0; //tared angle - based on the startup value float startAngle_1 = 0; //starting angle float totalAngle_1 = 0; //total absolute angular displacement float previoustotalAngle_1 = 0; //for the display printing //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Magnetic sensor things - ENC 2 int magnetStatus_2 = 0; //value of the status register (MD, ML, MH) int lowbyte_2; //raw angle 7:0 word highbyte_2; //raw angle 7:0 and 11:8 int rawAngle_2; //final raw angle float degAngle_2; //raw angle in degrees (360/4096 * [value between 0-4095]) int quadrantNumber_2, previousquadrantNumber_2; //quadrant IDs float numberofTurns_2 = 0; //number of turns float correctedAngle_2 = 0; //tared angle - based on the startup value float startAngle_2 = 0; //starting angle float totalAngle_2 = 0; //total absolute angular displacement float previoustotalAngle_2 = 0; //for the display printing float encoderTimer = 0; //used to keep track of the elapsed time for the encoder reading interval int encoderCounter = 0; //keeps track of the active encoder on the i2c MUX void setup() { //SERIAL & WIRE Wire.begin(); //start i2C Wire.setClock(800000L); //fast clock Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println("Test"); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //NOKIA 5110 LCD part lcd.init(); //initialize LCD lcd.clrScr(); //clear the whole display lcd.setFont(Term9x14); //Larger font printLCD(); //print some welcome message //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //PINS pinMode(joystickSW_pin, INPUT_PULLUP); //the joystick pin is an input using the internal pullup resistor attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(joystickSW_pin), buttonPressed, CHANGE); //ISR() for the button //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Stepper parameters //setting up some default values for maximum speed and maximum acceleration stepper.setMaxSpeed(2000); //SPEED = Steps / second stepper.setAcceleration(100); //ACCELERATION = Steps /(second)^2 stepper.setSpeed(0); //this must be zero to avoid any movements delay(500); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- stepper2.setMaxSpeed(2000); //SPEED = Steps / second stepper2.setAcceleration(100); //ACCELERATION = Steps /(second)^2 stepper2.setSpeed(0); //this must be zero to avoid any movements delay(500); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Checking the starting angles switchEncoder(); //select the 1st encoder (encoderCounter = 0) checkMagnetPresence_1(); //check the magnet (blocks until magnet is found) ReadRawAngle_1(); //make a reading so the degAngle gets updated startAngle_1 = degAngle_1; //update startAngle with degAngle - for taring switchEncoder(); //select the 2nd encoder (encoderCounter = 1) checkMagnetPresence_2(); //check the magnet (blocks until magnet is found) ReadRawAngle_2(); //make a reading so the degAngle gets updated startAngle_2 = degAngle_2; //update startAngle with degAngle - for taring lcd.clrScr(); //clear the whole display again } void loop() { checkJoyButton(); //check if the button was changed ReadAnalog(); //Read the ADC channels (x, y-axis) stepper.runSpeed(); //step the motors (this will step the motor by 1 step at each loop iteration indefinitely as long as setSpeed is not zero) stepper2.runSpeed(); if (millis() - encoderTimer > 125) //125 ms will be able to make 8 readings in a sec which is enough for 60 RPM { switchEncoder(); //switch to the other encoder ReadRawAngle_1(); //ask the value from the sensor correctAngle_1(); //tare the value checkQuadrant_1(); //check quadrant, check rotations, check absolute angular position // switchEncoder(); //switch to the other encoder ReadRawAngle_2(); //ask the value from the sensor correctAngle_2(); //tare the value checkQuadrant_2(); //check quadrant, check rotations, check absolute angular position encoderTimer = millis(); //save the current millis() value in the variable which "resets" the timer } updateLCD(); //Print the new information } void ReadAnalog() { if (buttonMenuCounter != 3) { //Reading the potentiometers in the joystick: x, y analog_X = analogRead(analog_X_pin); analog_Y = analogRead(analog_Y_pin); //Note: STM32 blue pill has a 12-bit ADC which means that the max value is 4095 (range: 0-4095) //The middle of the potmeter is about 2048 //Behavior of the joystick I use: //Joystick right: analog_x = 0 //Joystick left: analog_x = 4096 //Joystick up: analog_y = 0 //Joystick down: analog_x = 4096 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (analog_X > 3000) { stepper.setSpeed(-200); //negative speed - counter-clockwise rotation //xvalue--; //Only for test purposes } else if (analog_X < 1000) { stepper.setSpeed(200); //xvalue++; //Only for test purposes } else { stepper.setSpeed(0); //if the analog value is not larger than 3000 or not smaller than 1000, then we don't move } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (analog_Y > 3000) { stepper2.setSpeed(-200); //yvalue--; //Only for test purposes } else if (analog_Y < 1000) { stepper2.setSpeed(200); //yvalue++; //Only for test purposes } else { stepper2.setSpeed(0); } } else { //buttonMenuCounter == 3 analog_Y = analogRead(analog_Y_pin); if (analog_Y < 1000) //In reality the joystick is pushed UP, but due to the wiring, the value drops when Y goes up { //We reset the corresponding values to zero //Stepper motor stepper.setCurrentPosition(0); //reset the current position to 0 stepper2.setCurrentPosition(0); //also on the other axis //Encoder startAngle_1 = degAngle_1; //New starting angles (new reference points) startAngle_2 = degAngle_2; correctedAngle_1 = 0; //Reset the corrected angle to zero correctedAngle_2 = 0; totalAngle_1 = 0; totalAngle_2 = 0; xDistanceMM = 0; yDistanceMM = 0; //Print some confirmation message on the display lcd.printStr(ALIGN_CENTER, 2, " "); lcd.printStr(ALIGN_CENTER, 2, "RESET"); lcd.printStr(ALIGN_CENTER, 3, " "); lcd.printStr(ALIGN_CENTER, 3, "IS"); lcd.printStr(ALIGN_CENTER, 4, " "); lcd.printStr(ALIGN_CENTER, 4, "DONE!"); } } } void switchEncoder() { if (encoderCounter == 0) //the code enters this part after powering the arduino { Wire.beginTransmission(0x70); //connect to the MUX Wire.write(1 << 0); //write the pins [SD0,SC0] Wire.endTransmission(); // encoderCounter = 1; //update the value, so the code enters the below part at the next iteration } else { Wire.beginTransmission(0x70); Wire.write(1 << 1);//[SD1,SC1] Wire.endTransmission(); // encoderCounter = 0; //update the value, so the code enters the first part at the next iteration } } void ReadRawAngle_1() { //7:0 - bits Wire.beginTransmission(0x36); //connect to the sensor Wire.write(0x0D); //figure 21 - register map: Raw angle (7:0) Wire.endTransmission(); //end transmission Wire.requestFrom(0x36, 1); //request from the sensor while (Wire.available() == 0); //wait until it becomes available lowbyte_1 =; //Reading the data after the request //11:8 - 4 bits Wire.beginTransmission(0x36); Wire.write(0x0C); //figure 21 - register map: Raw angle (11:8) Wire.endTransmission(); Wire.requestFrom(0x36, 1); while (Wire.available() == 0); highbyte_1 =; //4 bits have to be shifted to its proper place as we want to build a 12-bit number highbyte_1 = highbyte_1 << 8; //shifting to left //What is happening here is the following: The variable is being shifted by 8 bits to the left: //Initial value: 00000000|00001111 (word = 16 bits or 2 bytes) //Left shifting by eight bits: 00001111|00000000 so, the high byte is filled in //Finally, we combine (bitwise OR) the two numbers: //High: 00001111|00000000 //Low: 00000000|00001111 // ----------------- //H|L: 00001111|00001111 rawAngle_1 = highbyte_1 | lowbyte_1; //int is 16 bits (as well as the word) //We need to calculate the angle: //12 bit -> 4096 different levels: 360° is divided into 4096 equal parts: //360/4096 = 0.087890625 //Multiply the output of the encoder with 0.087890625 degAngle_1 = rawAngle_1 * 0.087890625; //Serial.print("Deg angle - ENC 1: "); //Serial.println(degAngle_1, 2); //absolute position of the encoder within the 0-360 circle } void correctAngle_1() { //recalculate angle correctedAngle_1 = degAngle_1 - startAngle_1; //this tares the position if (correctedAngle_1 < 0) //if the calculated angle is negative, we need to "normalize" it { correctedAngle_1 = correctedAngle_1 + 360; //correction for negative numbers (i.e. -15 becomes +345) } else { //do nothing } //Serial.print("Corrected angle - ENC 1: "); //Serial.println(correctedAngle_1, 2); //print the corrected/tared angle } void checkQuadrant_1() { /* //Quadrants: 4 | 1 ---|--- 3 | 2 */ //Quadrant 1 if (correctedAngle_1 >= 0 && correctedAngle_1 <= 90) { quadrantNumber_1 = 1; } //Quadrant 2 if (correctedAngle_1 > 90 && correctedAngle_1 <= 180) { quadrantNumber_1 = 2; } //Quadrant 3 if (correctedAngle_1 > 180 && correctedAngle_1 <= 270) { quadrantNumber_1 = 3; } //Quadrant 4 if (correctedAngle_1 > 270 && correctedAngle_1 < 360) { quadrantNumber_1 = 4; } //Serial.print("Quadrant - ENC 1: "); //Serial.println(quadrantNumber_1); //print our position "quadrant-wise" if (quadrantNumber_1 != previousquadrantNumber_1) //if we changed quadrant { if (quadrantNumber_1 == 1 && previousquadrantNumber_1 == 4) { numberofTurns_1++; // 4 --> 1 transition: CW rotation } if (quadrantNumber_1 == 4 && previousquadrantNumber_1 == 1) { numberofTurns_1--; // 1 --> 4 transition: CCW rotation } //this could be done between every quadrants so one can count every 1/4th of transition previousquadrantNumber_1 = quadrantNumber_1; //update to the current quadrant } //Serial.print("Turns: "); //Serial.println(numberofTurns_1,0); //number of turns in absolute terms (can be negative which indicates CCW turns) //after we have the corrected angle and the turns, we can calculate the total absolute position totalAngle_1 = (numberofTurns_1 * 360) + correctedAngle_1; //number of turns (+/-) plus the actual angle within the 0-360 range //Serial.print("Total angle - ENC 1: "); //Serial.println(totalAngle_1, 2); //absolute position of the motor expressed in degree angles, 2 digits } void checkMagnetPresence_1() { //This function runs in the setup() and it locks the MCU until the magnet is not positioned properly while ((magnetStatus_1 & 32) != 32) //while the magnet is not adjusted to the proper distance - 32: MD = 1 { magnetStatus_1 = 0; //reset reading Wire.beginTransmission(0x36); //connect to the sensor Wire.write(0x0B); //figure 21 - register map: Status: MD ML MH Wire.endTransmission(); //end transmission Wire.requestFrom(0x36, 1); //request from the sensor while (Wire.available() == 0); //wait until it becomes available magnetStatus_1 =; //Reading the data after the request //Serial.print("Magnet status - ENC 1: "); //Serial.println(magnetStatus_1, BIN); //print it in binary so you can compare it to the table (fig 21) } //Status register output: 0 0 MD ML MH 0 0 0 //MH: Too strong magnet - 100111 - DEC: 39 //ML: Too weak magnet - 10111 - DEC: 23 //MD: OK magnet - 110111 - DEC: 55 //Serial.println("Magnet found!"); delay(1000); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ReadRawAngle_2() { //7:0 - bits Wire.beginTransmission(0x36); //connect to the sensor Wire.write(0x0D); //figure 21 - register map: Raw angle (7:0) Wire.endTransmission(); //end transmission Wire.requestFrom(0x36, 1); //request from the sensor while (Wire.available() == 0); //wait until it becomes available lowbyte_2 =; //Reading the data after the request //11:8 - 4 bits Wire.beginTransmission(0x36); Wire.write(0x0C); //figure 21 - register map: Raw angle (11:8) Wire.endTransmission(); Wire.requestFrom(0x36, 1); while (Wire.available() == 0); highbyte_2 =; //4 bits have to be shifted to its proper place as we want to build a 12-bit number highbyte_2 = highbyte_2 << 8; //shifting to left //What is happening here is the following: The variable is being shifted by 8 bits to the left: //Initial value: 00000000|00001111 (word = 16 bits or 2 bytes) //Left shifting by eight bits: 00001111|00000000 so, the high byte is filled in //Finally, we combine (bitwise OR) the two numbers: //High: 00001111|00000000 //Low: 00000000|00001111 // ----------------- //H|L: 00001111|00001111 rawAngle_2 = highbyte_2 | lowbyte_2; //int is 16 bits (as well as the word) //We need to calculate the angle: //12 bit -> 4096 different levels: 360° is divided into 4096 equal parts: //360/4096 = 0.087890625 //Multiply the output of the encoder with 0.087890625 degAngle_2 = rawAngle_2 * 0.087890625; //Serial.print("Deg angle - ENC 2: "); //Serial.println(degAngle_2, 2); //absolute position of the encoder within the 0-360 circle } void correctAngle_2() { //recalculate angle correctedAngle_2 = degAngle_2 - startAngle_2; //this tares the position if (correctedAngle_2 < 0) //if the calculated angle is negative, we need to "normalize" it { correctedAngle_2 = correctedAngle_2 + 360; //correction for negative numbers (i.e. -15 becomes +345) } else { //do nothing } //Serial.print("Corrected angle - ENC 2: "); //Serial.println(correctedAngle_2, 2); //print the corrected/tared angle } void checkQuadrant_2() { /* //Quadrants: 4 | 1 ---|--- 3 | 2 */ //Quadrant 1 if (correctedAngle_2 >= 0 && correctedAngle_2 <= 90) { quadrantNumber_2 = 1; } //Quadrant 2 if (correctedAngle_2 > 90 && correctedAngle_2 <= 180) { quadrantNumber_2 = 2; } //Quadrant 3 if (correctedAngle_2 > 180 && correctedAngle_2 <= 270) { quadrantNumber_2 = 3; } //Quadrant 4 if (correctedAngle_2 > 270 && correctedAngle_2 < 360) { quadrantNumber_2 = 4; } //Serial.print("Quadrant - ENC 2: "); //Serial.println(quadrantNumber_2); //print our position "quadrant-wise" if (quadrantNumber_2 != previousquadrantNumber_2) //if we changed quadrant { if (quadrantNumber_2 == 1 && previousquadrantNumber_2 == 4) { numberofTurns_2++; // 4 --> 1 transition: CW rotation } if (quadrantNumber_2 == 4 && previousquadrantNumber_2 == 1) { numberofTurns_2--; // 1 --> 4 transition: CCW rotation } //this could be done between every quadrants so one can count every 1/4th of transition previousquadrantNumber_2 = quadrantNumber_2; //update to the current quadrant } //Serial.print("Turns - ENC 2: "); //Serial.println(numberofTurns_2,0); //number of turns in absolute terms (can be negative which indicates CCW turns) //after we have the corrected angle and the turns, we can calculate the total absolute position totalAngle_2 = (numberofTurns_2 * 360) + correctedAngle_2; //number of turns (+/-) plus the actual angle within the 0-360 range //Serial.print("Total angle - ENC 2: "); //Serial.println(totalAngle_2, 2); //absolute position of the motor expressed in degree angles, 2 digits } void checkMagnetPresence_2() { //This function runs in the setup() and it locks the MCU until the magnet is not positioned properly while ((magnetStatus_2 & 32) != 32) //while the magnet is not adjusted to the proper distance - 32: MD = 1 { magnetStatus_2 = 0; //reset reading Wire.beginTransmission(0x36); //connect to the sensor Wire.write(0x0B); //figure 21 - register map: Status: MD ML MH Wire.endTransmission(); //end transmission Wire.requestFrom(0x36, 1); //request from the sensor while (Wire.available() == 0); //wait until it becomes available magnetStatus_2 =; //Reading the data after the request //Serial.print("Magnet status: "); //Serial.println(magnetStatus, BIN); //print it in binary so you can compare it to the table (fig 21) } //Status register output: 0 0 MD ML MH 0 0 0 //MH: Too strong magnet - 100111 - DEC: 39 //ML: Too weak magnet - 10111 - DEC: 23 //MD: OK magnet - 110111 - DEC: 55 //Serial.println("Magnet found!"); delay(1000); } void updateLCD() { if (millis() - updateTimer > 250) //The display is updated every 250 ms { lcd.setFont(c64enh); //set the font (small one) switch (buttonMenuCounter) { case 0: //Steps lcd.printStr(ALIGN_CENTER, 0, "Analog value"); //print new text // lcd.printStr(20, 2, " "); //20th pixel in the 2nd line snprintf(buf, 8, "%d", analog_X); //potmeter value for X lcd.printStr(20, 2, buf); lcd.printStr(20, 4, " "); snprintf(buf, 8, "%d", analog_Y); //potmeter value for Y lcd.printStr(20, 4, buf); break; case 1: //millimeters //Calculating the distance traveled based on the total angular displacement xDistanceMM = -1 * totalAngle_1 / 360.0; //-1 because of the direction yDistanceMM = -1 * totalAngle_2 / 360.0; //Explanation: 1 turn = 360 deg, 1 turn = 1 mm (threaded rod has 1 mm pitch) //Therefore 360 deg = 1 mm or 1 deg = 2.78 um (theoretically!) lcd.printStr(ALIGN_CENTER, 0, "Millimeters"); // lcd.printStr(12, 2, " "); dtostrf(xDistanceMM, 8, 3, buf); //(variable to convert, string length, # of decimals, output (buffer)) lcd.printStr(12, 2, buf); lcd.printStr(12, 4, " "); dtostrf(yDistanceMM, 8, 3, buf); lcd.printStr(12, 4, buf); break; case 2: //degrees lcd.printStr(ALIGN_CENTER, 0, "Degrees"); // lcd.printStr(12, 2, " "); dtostrf(totalAngle_1, 8, 2, buf); lcd.printStr(12, 2, buf); lcd.printStr(12, 4, " "); dtostrf(totalAngle_2, 8, 2, buf); lcd.printStr(12, 4, buf); break; case 3: //Reset home position //Nothing to show here break; } updateTimer = millis(); } } void printLCD() { //welcome message lcd.setFont(c64enh); lcd.printStr(ALIGN_CENTER, 0, "XY-table"); lcd.printStr(ALIGN_CENTER, 1, "Controller"); lcd.printStr(ALIGN_CENTER, 3, "Click the"); lcd.printStr(ALIGN_CENTER, 4, "joystick"); lcd.printStr(ALIGN_CENTER, 5, "to continue..."); } void buttonPressed() { if (millis() - buttonTimer > 1000) //"timer-based" debouncing, you cannot click the button twice within 1 second { buttonMenuCounter++; if (buttonMenuCounter == 4) { buttonMenuCounter = 0; //circular: ...0-1-2-3-0-1-2-3-0... } buttonTimer = millis(); } } void checkJoyButton() { if (buttonMenuCounter != prevButton) //if the button was pressed { lcd.clrScr(); //clear the screen lcd.setFont(c64enh); //set the font (small one) switch (buttonMenuCounter) { case 0: //Analog value lcd.printStr(ALIGN_CENTER, 0, "Analog value"); //print new text // snprintf(buf, 8, "%s", "X: "); lcd.printStr(0, 2, buf); //0th pixel, 2nd line snprintf(buf, 8, "%s", "Y: "); lcd.printStr(0, 4, buf); break; case 1: //millimeters lcd.printStr(ALIGN_CENTER, 0, "Millimeters"); //print new text // snprintf(buf, 8, "%s", "X: "); lcd.printStr(0, 2, buf); snprintf(buf, 8, "%s", "Y: "); lcd.printStr(0, 4, buf); break; case 2: //Degrees lcd.printStr(ALIGN_CENTER, 0, "Degrees"); //print new text // snprintf(buf, 8, "%s", "X: "); lcd.printStr(0, 2, buf); snprintf(buf, 8, "%s", "Y: "); lcd.printStr(0, 4, buf); break; case 3: //Reset home position lcd.printStr(ALIGN_CENTER, 0, "Reset to 0"); //print new text lcd.printStr(ALIGN_CENTER, 2, "Push the"); lcd.printStr(ALIGN_CENTER, 3, "joystick"); lcd.printStr(ALIGN_CENTER, 4, "UP to reset."); break; } prevButton = buttonMenuCounter; } }