MAX6675 - Thermocouple module

In this video I show you the MAX6675 cold-junction-compensated K-type thermocouple-to-digital converter. The circuit provides readings between 0°C and 1023.75°C, so it is really suitable for high-temperature measurements. The resolution of the device is 0.25°C which is more than enough for general applications. The chip communicates via SPI, so it is really easy to hook it up with a microcontroller. In this video I demonstrate this with an Arduino Nano.

MAX6675 datasheet


This circuit uses an Arduino Nano as the microcontroller. It facilitates both the i2C and the SPI communication channels. The 16x2 LCD uses the i2C (A4: SDA, A5: SCL), and the MAX6675 module uses the SPI (SCK: D13, CS: D12, SO, D12). Both devices us…

This circuit uses an Arduino Nano as the microcontroller. It facilitates both the i2C and the SPI communication channels. The 16x2 LCD uses the i2C (A4: SDA, A5: SCL), and the MAX6675 module uses the SPI (SCK: D13, CS: D12, SO, D12). Both devices use +5 V as the supply voltage.

Arduino source code

//16x2 LCD
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h> //SDA = B7[A4], SCL = B6[A5] STM32/[Arduino]
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2); //16 blocks, 2 lines

#include <SPI.h> //SPI communication

int TCRaw = 0; //raw value coming from the thermocouple
int avgCounter = 0; //counter for average temperature readings
float TCCelsius = 0; //Celsius value
float avgTCCelsius = 0; //average temperature
float temp_avgTCCelsius = 0; //average temperature for the ongoing calculation
const byte CS_pin = 10; //chip select pin

void setup() 
  pinMode(CS_pin, OUTPUT); // define chip select as an output
  digitalWrite(CS_pin, LOW); //pull chip select low
  SPI.begin(); //start SPI
  Serial.begin(115200); //start serial
  lcd.begin();                      // initialize the lcd   
  lcd.setCursor(0,0); //Defining positon to write from first row, first column .
  lcd.setCursor(0,1); //Second row, first column
  delay(2000); //wait 2 seconds
  lcd.clear(); //clear the whole LCD
  printLCD(); //print the stationary parts on the screen


void loop() 
  readThermocouple(); //read the thermocouple
  delay(200); //wait 200 ms -> we average 10 readings: 2s refresh rate for AVG
  refreshLCD(); //refresh the values

void printLCD()
  //These are the values which are not changing during the operation  
  lcd.setCursor(0,0); //1st line, 1st block
  lcd.print("R:"); //text; R:4096
  lcd.setCursor(7,0); //1st line, 8th block
  lcd.print("T:"); //text
  lcd.setCursor(0,1); //2nd line, 1st block
  lcd.print("AVG:"); //text  

void refreshLCD()
  //These are the values which are changing during the operation  
  lcd.setCursor(2,0); //1st line, 6th block
  lcd.print("    "); //delete display 
  //- It is always a good idea to overwrite the previous numbers with whitespaces
  lcd.setCursor(2,0); //1st line, 6th block
  lcd.print(TCRaw); //raw value
  lcd.setCursor(9,0); //2nd line, 7th block
  lcd.print("     "); //delete display
  lcd.setCursor(9,0); //2nd line, 7th block
  lcd.print(TCCelsius); //converted value
  lcd.setCursor(5,1); //2nd line, 1st block
  lcd.print("     "); //delete display
  lcd.setCursor(5,1); //2nd line, 1st block
  lcd.print(avgTCCelsius); //converted value  

void readThermocouple()
  //15: dummy bit
  //14-3: MSB to LSB
  //2: -
  //1: 0
  //0: STATE (three state)  
  SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(14000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0)); //standard Arduino SPI  
  digitalWrite(CS_pin, LOW); //"Force CS low and apply a clock signal at SCK to read the results at SO"
  delayMicroseconds(1); //just to be sure we wait enough (tcss: 100 ns is needed)
  TCRaw = SPI.transfer16(0x0000); //16 bit transfer - some dummy data to force the reading
  digitalWrite(CS_pin, HIGH); //We finished the command sequence, so we switch it back to HIGH       
  SPI.endTransaction(); //close down SPI transaction   
  TCRaw = TCRaw >> 3; //shift out the first 3 bits.
  //example: 0100000000001ˇ111 >> 3;     ˇLSB
  //^Dummy, then MSB

  Serial.print("Raw: ");
  Serial.println(TCRaw); //print raw data
  TCCelsius = TCRaw * 0.25; //datasheet, 2nd page, resolution
  Serial.print("Temp: ");
  Serial.println(TCCelsius); //print converted data    
  if(avgCounter < 10) //If the counter is less than 10, we enter here
    temp_avgTCCelsius = temp_avgTCCelsius + TCCelsius; //add the value to the average     
    Serial.println(avgCounter); //print the counter to see where we are
    avgCounter++; //increase the value by +1 
  else //if the counter reached 10, we enter this branch
    avgTCCelsius = temp_avgTCCelsius / 10; //calculate the average (10 because 0....9)

    Serial.print("Avg: "); //print a text ((w/o linebreak)
    Serial.println(avgTCCelsius); //print the value with a linebreak after
    temp_avgTCCelsius = 0; //temporary average is set to zero
    avgCounter = 0; //counting starts over


MAX31855 - A better thermocouple module


AS5600 Magnetic encoder - A practical example