MAX6675 - Thermocouple module
In this video I show you the MAX6675 cold-junction-compensated K-type thermocouple-to-digital converter. The circuit provides readings between 0°C and 1023.75°C, so it is really suitable for high-temperature measurements. The resolution of the device is 0.25°C which is more than enough for general applications. The chip communicates via SPI, so it is really easy to hook it up with a microcontroller. In this video I demonstrate this with an Arduino Nano.
Arduino source code
//16x2 LCD #include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h> //SDA = B7[A4], SCL = B6[A5] STM32/[Arduino] LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2); //16 blocks, 2 lines //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <SPI.h> //SPI communication int TCRaw = 0; //raw value coming from the thermocouple int avgCounter = 0; //counter for average temperature readings float TCCelsius = 0; //Celsius value float avgTCCelsius = 0; //average temperature float temp_avgTCCelsius = 0; //average temperature for the ongoing calculation const byte CS_pin = 10; //chip select pin void setup() { pinMode(CS_pin, OUTPUT); // define chip select as an output digitalWrite(CS_pin, LOW); //pull chip select low SPI.begin(); //start SPI Serial.begin(115200); //start serial //------------------------------------------------------ lcd.begin(); // initialize the lcd lcd.backlight(); //------------------------------------------------------ lcd.setCursor(0,0); //Defining positon to write from first row, first column . lcd.print("MAX6675"); lcd.setCursor(0,1); //Second row, first column lcd.print("Thermocouple"); delay(2000); //wait 2 seconds lcd.clear(); //clear the whole LCD printLCD(); //print the stationary parts on the screen //------------------------------------------------------ } void loop() { readThermocouple(); //read the thermocouple delay(200); //wait 200 ms -> we average 10 readings: 2s refresh rate for AVG refreshLCD(); //refresh the values } void printLCD() { //These are the values which are not changing during the operation lcd.setCursor(0,0); //1st line, 1st block lcd.print("R:"); //text; R:4096 //---------------------- lcd.setCursor(7,0); //1st line, 8th block lcd.print("T:"); //text //---------------------- lcd.setCursor(0,1); //2nd line, 1st block lcd.print("AVG:"); //text } void refreshLCD() { //These are the values which are changing during the operation lcd.setCursor(2,0); //1st line, 6th block lcd.print(" "); //delete display //- It is always a good idea to overwrite the previous numbers with whitespaces lcd.setCursor(2,0); //1st line, 6th block lcd.print(TCRaw); //raw value //---------------------- lcd.setCursor(9,0); //2nd line, 7th block lcd.print(" "); //delete display lcd.setCursor(9,0); //2nd line, 7th block lcd.print(TCCelsius); //converted value //---------------------- lcd.setCursor(5,1); //2nd line, 1st block lcd.print(" "); //delete display lcd.setCursor(5,1); //2nd line, 1st block lcd.print(avgTCCelsius); //converted value } void readThermocouple() { //bits //15: dummy bit //14-3: MSB to LSB //2: - //1: 0 //0: STATE (three state) SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(14000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0)); //standard Arduino SPI digitalWrite(CS_pin, LOW); //"Force CS low and apply a clock signal at SCK to read the results at SO" delayMicroseconds(1); //just to be sure we wait enough (tcss: 100 ns is needed) TCRaw = SPI.transfer16(0x0000); //16 bit transfer - some dummy data to force the reading digitalWrite(CS_pin, HIGH); //We finished the command sequence, so we switch it back to HIGH SPI.endTransaction(); //close down SPI transaction TCRaw = TCRaw >> 3; //shift out the first 3 bits. //example: 0100000000001ˇ111 >> 3; ˇLSB //010000000000001<-(LSB) //^Dummy, then MSB Serial.print("Raw: "); Serial.println(TCRaw); //print raw data TCCelsius = TCRaw * 0.25; //datasheet, 2nd page, resolution Serial.print("Temp: "); Serial.println(TCCelsius); //print converted data if(avgCounter < 10) //If the counter is less than 10, we enter here { temp_avgTCCelsius = temp_avgTCCelsius + TCCelsius; //add the value to the average Serial.println(avgCounter); //print the counter to see where we are avgCounter++; //increase the value by +1 } else //if the counter reached 10, we enter this branch { avgTCCelsius = temp_avgTCCelsius / 10; //calculate the average (10 because 0....9) Serial.print("Avg: "); //print a text ((w/o linebreak) Serial.println(avgTCCelsius); //print the value with a linebreak after temp_avgTCCelsius = 0; //temporary average is set to zero avgCounter = 0; //counting starts over } }