Measuring speed and position using the AS5600
In this video I show you some nice features that I developed for the AS5600 magnetic position encoder. Using my custom made PCB and a NEMA17 motor I show you how accurate the stepper motor is. I tried to determine the speed and the position of the stepper motor's shaft using the AS5600. I also compared the position and speed values with the values provided by the AccelStepper library. According to the experiment, the position is followed exactly, without skipping even a single step. On the other hand, I have some small issues with the speed which is probably due to some programming mistake that I could not notice.
Schematics of the circuit used for the demo. Please forgive the ugly way of including the AS5600 board. Since it is a simple i2c board, the connection is really straightforward. Also, make sure that you connect the DIR pin to ground if you don’t use it.
Arduino source code
#include "TimerOne.h" //Timer interrupts #include <Wire.h> //This is for i2C #include <SSD1306Ascii.h> //i2C OLED #include <SSD1306AsciiWire.h> //i2C OLED // i2C OLED #define I2C_ADDRESS 0x3C #define RST_PIN -1 SSD1306AsciiWire oled; float OLEDTimer = 0; //Timer for the screen refresh //I2C pins: //STM32: SDA: PB7 SCL: PB6 //Arduino: SDA: A4 SCL: A5 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <AccelStepper.h> AccelStepper stepper(1, 10, 11);// pulses/steps 10; Direction 11 volatile float stepperMotorSpeed = 0; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Input and output pins const int RotaryCLK = 3; //CLK pin on the rotary encoder, interrupt pin! const int RotaryDT = 4; //DT pin on the rotary encoder, read inside the interrupt const int RotarySW = 5; //SW pin on the rotary encoder (Button function) bool rotaryRotated = false; int RotaryButtonValue = 0; //0 or 1 (pressed or not) float RotaryTime; //timer for debouncing volatile int rotaryValue = 0; //value manipulated by the encoder int previousRotaryValue = -1; //a variable which stores the previous value - easy to follow changes int CLKNow; int CLKPrevious; int DTNow; int DTPrevious; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Magnetic sensor things int magnetStatus = 0; //value of the status register (MD, ML, MH) int lowbyte; //raw angle 7:0 word highbyte; //raw angle 7:0 and 11:8 int rawAngle; //final raw angle float degAngle; //raw angle in degrees (360/4096 * [value between 0-4095]) int quadrantNumber, previousquadrantNumber; //quadrant IDs float numberofTurns = 0; //number of turns float correctedAngle = 0; //tared angle - based on the startup value float startAngle = 0; //starting angle float totalAngle = 0; //total absolute angular displacement float previoustotalAngle = -1; //for the display printing float recentTotalAngle = 0; //for the display printing float rpmValue = 0; //revolutions per minute float stepRateFromRPM = 0; //steps/s calculated from RPM float calculatedRPM = 0; //calculated RPM based on the stepper speed float stepperPosition = 0; //stepper's software position based on the AccelStepper library float stepperPreviousPosition = 0; //stepper's software position based on the AccelStepper library float rpmInterval = 200; // RPM is calculated every 0.2 seconds float rpmTimer = 0; //Timer for the rpm float timerdiff = 0; //Time difference for more exact rpm calculation void setup() { //This uses the timer1 of the Arduino Timer1.initialize(100); //100 us timer trigger interval Timer1.setPeriod(100); Timer1.attachInterrupt(callback); // attaches callback() as a timer overflow interrupt //The timer interval has to be adjusted according to the maximum expected motor speed! //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Serial.begin(115200); //start serial - tip: don't use serial if you don't need it (speed considerations) Wire.begin(); //start i2C Wire.setClock(800000L); //fast clock checkMagnetPresence(); //check the magnet (blocks until magnet is found) ReadRawAngle(); //make a reading so the degAngle gets updated startAngle = degAngle; //update startAngle with degAngle - for taring //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //OLED part #if RST_PIN >= 0 oled.begin(&Adafruit128x32, I2C_ADDRESS, RST_PIN); #else // RST_PIN >= 0 oled.begin(&Adafruit128x32, I2C_ADDRESS); #endif // RST_PIN >= 0 //Definition of the pins, remember where you need pinMode(RotaryCLK, INPUT_PULLUP); //CLK pinMode(RotaryDT, INPUT_PULLUP); //DT pinMode(RotarySW, INPUT_PULLUP); //SW attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(RotaryCLK), RotaryEncoder, CHANGE); //Store states CLKPrevious = digitalRead(RotaryCLK); DTPrevious = digitalRead(RotaryDT); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ oled.setFont(Adafruit5x7); oled.clear(); //clear display oled.set2X(); //double-line font size - better to read it oled.println(" Welcome!"); //print a welcome message oled.println(" AS5600"); //print a welcome message oled.set1X(); //double-line font size - better to read it delay(1000); OLEDTimer = millis(); //start the timer oled.clear(); refreshDisplay(); //Stepper setup--------------------------------------------------------- stepper.setSpeed(0); //SPEED = Steps / second stepper.setMaxSpeed(10000); //SPEED = Steps / second stepper.setAcceleration(5000); //ACCELERATION = Steps /(second)^2 } void callback() { stepper.runSpeed(); } void loop() { ReadRawAngle(); //ask the value from the sensor correctAngle(); //tare the value checkQuadrant(); //check quadrant, check rotations, check absolute angular position calculateRPM(); //Calculate RPM CheckRotaryButton(); //Check (poll) the button on the rotary encoder refreshDisplay(); //Update the OLED if values were changed (TIME CONSUMING!) stepper.setSpeed(stepperMotorSpeed); } void ReadRawAngle() { //7:0 - bits Wire.beginTransmission(0x36); //connect to the sensor Wire.write(0x0D); //figure 21 - register map: Raw angle (7:0) Wire.endTransmission(); //end transmission Wire.requestFrom(0x36, 1); //request from the sensor while (Wire.available() == 0); //wait until it becomes available lowbyte =; //Reading the data after the request //11:8 - 4 bits Wire.beginTransmission(0x36); Wire.write(0x0C); //figure 21 - register map: Raw angle (11:8) Wire.endTransmission(); Wire.requestFrom(0x36, 1); while (Wire.available() == 0); highbyte =; //4 bits have to be shifted to its proper place as we want to build a 12-bit number highbyte = highbyte << 8; //shifting to left //What is happening here is the following: The variable is being shifted by 8 bits to the left: //Initial value: 00000000|00001111 (word = 16 bits or 2 bytes) //Left shifting by eight bits: 00001111|00000000 so, the high byte is filled in //Finally, we combine (bitwise OR) the two numbers: //High: 00001111|00000000 //Low: 00000000|00001111 // ----------------- //H|L: 00001111|00001111 rawAngle = highbyte | lowbyte; //int is 16 bits (as well as the word) //We need to calculate the angle: //12 bit -> 4096 different levels: 360° is divided into 4096 equal parts: //360/4096 = 0.087890625 //Multiply the output of the encoder with 0.087890625 degAngle = rawAngle * 0.087890625; //Serial.print("Deg angle: "); //Serial.println(degAngle, 2); //absolute position of the encoder within the 0-360 circle } void correctAngle() { //recalculate angle correctedAngle = degAngle - startAngle; //this tares the position if (correctedAngle < 0) //if the calculated angle is negative, we need to "normalize" it { correctedAngle = correctedAngle + 360; //correction for negative numbers (i.e. -15 becomes +345) } else { //do nothing } //Serial.print("Corrected angle: "); //Serial.println(correctedAngle, 2); //print the corrected/tared angle } void checkQuadrant() { /* //Quadrants: 4 | 1 ---|--- 3 | 2 */ //Quadrant 1 if (correctedAngle >= 0 && correctedAngle <= 90) { quadrantNumber = 1; } //Quadrant 2 if (correctedAngle > 90 && correctedAngle <= 180) { quadrantNumber = 2; } //Quadrant 3 if (correctedAngle > 180 && correctedAngle <= 270) { quadrantNumber = 3; } //Quadrant 4 if (correctedAngle > 270 && correctedAngle < 360) { quadrantNumber = 4; } //Serial.print("Quadrant: "); //Serial.println(quadrantNumber); //print our position "quadrant-wise" if (quadrantNumber != previousquadrantNumber) //if we changed quadrant { if (quadrantNumber == 1 && previousquadrantNumber == 4) { numberofTurns++; // 4 --> 1 transition: CW rotation } if (quadrantNumber == 4 && previousquadrantNumber == 1) { numberofTurns--; // 1 --> 4 transition: CCW rotation } //this could be done between every quadrants so one can count every 1/4th of transition previousquadrantNumber = quadrantNumber; //update to the current quadrant } //Serial.print("Turns: "); //Serial.println(numberofTurns,0); //number of turns in absolute terms (can be negative which indicates CCW turns) //after we have the corrected angle and the turns, we can calculate the total absolute position totalAngle = (numberofTurns * 360) + correctedAngle; //number of turns (+/-) plus the actual angle within the 0-360 range //Serial.print("Total angle: "); //Serial.println(totalAngle, 2); //absolute position of the motor expressed in degree angles, 2 digits } void checkMagnetPresence() { //This function runs in the setup() and it locks the MCU until the magnet is not positioned properly while ((magnetStatus & 32) != 32) //while the magnet is not adjusted to the proper distance - 32: MD = 1 { magnetStatus = 0; //reset reading Wire.beginTransmission(0x36); //connect to the sensor Wire.write(0x0B); //figure 21 - register map: Status: MD ML MH Wire.endTransmission(); //end transmission Wire.requestFrom(0x36, 1); //request from the sensor while (Wire.available() == 0); //wait until it becomes available magnetStatus =; //Reading the data after the request //Serial.print("Magnet status: "); //Serial.println(magnetStatus, BIN); //print it in binary so you can compare it to the table (fig 21) } //Status register output: 0 0 MD ML MH 0 0 0 //MH: Too strong magnet - 100111 - DEC: 39 //ML: Too weak magnet - 10111 - DEC: 23 //MD: OK magnet - 110111 - DEC: 55 //Serial.println("Magnet found!"); //delay(1000); } void calculateRPM() { //This function calculates the RPM based on the elapsed time and the angle of rotation. //Positive RPM is CW, negative RPM is CCW. Example: RPM = 300 - CW 300 rpm, RPM = -300 - CCW 300 rpm. timerdiff = millis() - rpmTimer; if (timerdiff > rpmInterval) { //rpmValue = (60000.0/rpmInterval) * (totalAngle - recentTotalAngle)/360.0; rpmValue = (60000.0 / timerdiff) * (totalAngle - recentTotalAngle) / 360.0; //Formula: (60000/2000) * (3600 - 0) / 360; //30 * 10 = 300 RPM. So, in 2 seconds we did 10 turns (3600degrees total angle), then assuming that the speed is constant //2 second is 1/30th of a minute, so we multiply the 2 second data with 30 -> 30*10 = 300 rpm. //The purpose of the (60000/rpmInterval) is that we always normalize the rounds per rpmInterval to rounds per minute //Step rate (steps/s) is assumed with 800 steps/360° microstepping. 1 step = 0.45° //1 RPM = 800 steps/minute because of the 800 steps/revolution microstepping //We also divide by 60, because we want the units to be in steps/s stepRateFromRPM = rpmValue * 800.0 / 60.0; //Also, keep in mind that 800 steps/s means that every 1.25 ms (1250 us) we need to do a step. //The maximum desired speed has to be kept in mind when you define the interrupt frequency. recentTotalAngle = totalAngle; //Make the totalAngle as the recent total angle. rpmTimer = millis(); //Update the timer with the current millis() value } } void refreshDisplay() { //Display layout // Accelstepper AS5600 //----------------------------- // Steps/s CALCULATED // CALCULATED RPM // POSITION CALCULATED // CALCULATED TOTALANGLE if (millis() - OLEDTimer > 10) //chech if we will update at every 10 ms { stepperPosition = stepper.currentPosition(); if (totalAngle != previoustotalAngle || rotaryRotated == true || stepperPreviousPosition != stepperPosition) //if there's a change in the position* { //LINE 1 - STEPS/S //Accelstepper speed (steps/s) oled.setCursor(0, 0); oled.print(" "); oled.setCursor(0, 0); oled.print(stepperMotorSpeed, 1); //ACCELSTEPPER oled.setCursor(70, 0); oled.print(" "); oled.setCursor(70, 0); oled.print(-1.0 * stepRateFromRPM, 1); //Calculated from AS5600 //----------------------------------------------- //LINE 2 - RPM //Accelstepper RPM oled.setCursor(0, 1); oled.print(" "); oled.setCursor(0, 1); oled.print(calculatedRPM, 1); //Calculated from ACCELSTEPPER oled.setCursor(70, 1); oled.print(" "); oled.setCursor(70, 1); oled.print(-1.0 * rpmValue, 1); //Measured by AS5600 //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //LINE 3 - POSITION oled.setCursor(0, 2); oled.print(" "); oled.setCursor(0, 2); oled.print(stepperPosition, 0); //ACCELSTEPPER Position oled.setCursor(70, 2); oled.print(" "); oled.setCursor(70, 2); oled.print(-1 * totalAngle / 0.45, 0); //Calculated position from AS5600 total angle //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //LINE 4 - ANGLE oled.setCursor(0, 3); oled.print(" "); oled.setCursor(0, 3); oled.print(stepperPosition * 0.45, 2); oled.setCursor(70, 3); oled.print(" "); oled.setCursor(70, 3); oled.print(-1 * totalAngle, 2); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- rotaryRotated = false; OLEDTimer = millis(); //reset timer stepperPreviousPosition = stepperPosition; previoustotalAngle = totalAngle; //update the previous value } //If the code enters this part, it takes about 40-50 ms to update the display //800 steps/s = 60 rpm = 360°/s -> 90° degree is 250 ms. (Why 90°? -> quadrants!) //So, this code is reliable up to 240 RPM without any "optimization". } else { //skip } //*idea: you can define a certain tolerance for the angle so the screen will not flicker //when there is a 0.08 change in the angle (sometimes the sensor reads uncertain values) } void RotaryEncoder() { CLKNow = digitalRead(RotaryCLK); //Read the state of the CLK pin // If last and current state of CLK are different, then a pulse occurred if (CLKNow != CLKPrevious && CLKNow == 1) { if (digitalRead(RotaryDT) != CLKNow) //the increment/decrement can depend on the actual polarity of CLK and DT { stepperMotorSpeed = stepperMotorSpeed - 10; } else { stepperMotorSpeed = stepperMotorSpeed + 10; } calculatedRPM = stepperMotorSpeed * 60.0 / 800.0; rotaryRotated = true; } CLKPrevious = CLKNow; // Store last CLK state } void CheckRotaryButton() { RotaryButtonValue = digitalRead(RotarySW); //read the button state if (RotaryButtonValue == 0) //0 and 1 can differ based on the wiring { if (millis() - RotaryTime > 1000) { //Reset everything AccelStepper-related stepperPosition = 0; stepper.setCurrentPosition(0); stepperMotorSpeed = 0; //stop the motor calculatedRPM = 0; RotaryTime = millis(); //save time } } }
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