Let's discuss about Peltier coolers #5 - A new arrangement of heatsinks

In this video I show you another Peltier-based cooling assembly. I merged two different coolers. I wanted to see how efficiently we can keep the cold side of the Peltier unit cool when it is attached to a large heatsink and exposed to the environment. It seems that a slightly stronger airflow can bring the temperature of the cold side up significantly (-1°C to 17°C). Due to the somewhat poor heat transfer, the air passing through the heatsink and exiting it will not be too different from the room temperature. This is another proof against those fake Peltier-based air conditioners. You cannot build an AC using one or two Peltier units.


Let's discuss about Peltier coolers #6 - Personal air conditioner


Multiple stepper motors with joystick, TB6600 and the accelstepper library