Determination of strain-rate sensitivity parameter (m)

In this video I show you a simple exercise to obtain the strain-rate sensitivity parameter (m). Here, we use 4 different flow curves obtained at different strain rates and we use Rp0.2 as the reference stress values of each curves. You can obtain m both by "graphical" and mathematical methods, I show both of them.


  1. Evaluate the Rp0.2.

  2. Summarize the values in a table, and calculate the logarithms.

  3. Determine X and Y values.

  4. Plot the values and get the slope which will give you the strain-rate sensitivity parameter (m).

  5. Optionally, you can also calculate the value of m by using two data from the table.

Article for the image I used: Khan, Akhtar S., Babak Farrokh, and Laszlo Takacs. "Compressive properties of Cu with different grain sizes: sub-micron to nanometer realm." Journal of materials science 43.9 (2008): 3305-3313.


Creep calculations - application of Norton's power law


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