Creep calculations - application of Norton's power law

In this video I show you how to apply the Norton equation for calculating the n and Q parameters. These are typical exam questions, so it is good to know them.


  1. Rearrange the creep equation so you will be able to plot and fit linear equations.

  2. Calculate all the data which can be calculated for the rearranged equation. For example: log(sigma), log(de/dt), 1000/T(in Kelvin), etc.

  3. Get n by plotting log(sigma) vs log(de/dt). The slope of the fitting gives n.

  4. Rearrange the equation, so you will get a linear-type of equation.

  5. Using the freshly obtained n, calculate log(de/dt)-n*log(sigma). This will be on the Y-axis. The X-axis will be 1000/T, where T is given in Kelvin. Plot it.

  6. Fit a linear on your plotted data. The slope (m) is the "-Q/(2303*R)" in the equation. Rearrange and express Q.



Hall-Petch relation, worked example


Determination of strain-rate sensitivity parameter (m)