Building a coil winder [Part 2] - Assembling the electronics
In this video I show you how I assembled the electronics of the coil winder. This is not necessary the final assembly, but at this moment I am using it with the circuit that you can see in the video. The control panel/circuitry is really simple, it consists of 2 buttons, a rotary encoder with a switch, a Nokia 5110 LCD, a STM32F103C8T6 ("blue pill") microcontroller and 2 Easy Driver stepper motor controller circuits. I recorded the whole procedure and speeded up the "boring" parts to 8x speed. I added a wiring for the rotary encoder and the buttons. I haven’t added the wiring for the Nokia 5110 LCD, because it is just a simple SPI connection. I also haven’t added the wiring to the stepper motor driver because it is up to you which pins do you want to use for the step and direction pins. The MS1 and MS2 pins can be wired directly to the 5/3.3 V (HIGH) and the GND rails based on your requirements. I wired them to the microcontroller so I can change the microstepping whenever I want to.
This is just a standard wiring for a 5-pin rotary encoder with built-in switch. Usually, one of the encoder pin is connected to an interrupt pin and the other is just simply read by the digitalRead() function inside the interrupt. I use the “INPUT_PULLUP” resistor for the button. A “classical “ wiring for a push button is also added. Both for the encoder and for the button, the user can choose which pins will be used on the microcontroller. Some microcontrollers such as the Arduino Uno or Nano have only two interrupt pins.