Building a digital control circuit for the SZBK07 DC-DC buck converter

In this video I continue the previous video's experiment and show you how to control the SZBK07 DC-DC converter with a microcontroller and the MCP41100 digital potentiometer. With this technique, you can control the DC-DC converter with a digital controller. The rotary encoder is used to increase or decrease the value of the bit which is written on the digital potentiometer which results in a voltage between 0 and 5 V on the wiper of the digital potentiometer. With this voltage and with the help of a 10 kOhm resistor, we "inject" the current to the feedback pin of the buck controller and adjust the output voltage of the DC-DC controller. Due to the limited resolution (8 bit) of the MCP41100, the resolution of the output voltage of the DC-DC converter scales with the magnitude of the voltage. Lower voltage can be adjusted in much smaller steps. The maximum output voltage 36 V can be adjusted in 0.14 V steps while an output voltage of 10 V can be adjusted in 0.04 V steps.


The project is built around an STM32 circuit which takes care of the rotary encoder, the 16x2 LCD and the MCP41100 8 bit digital potentiometer. The rotary encoder changes the value of a variable between 0-255 which is then forwarded to the MCP41100 …

The project is built around an STM32 circuit which takes care of the rotary encoder, the 16x2 LCD and the MCP41100 8 bit digital potentiometer. The rotary encoder changes the value of a variable between 0-255 which is then forwarded to the MCP41100 and causes a change in the output voltage of the wiper. This output voltage is then goes to the pin 2 or 3 of the CV trimmer potmeter on the SZBK07 DC-DC converter through a 10 kOm resistor.

The 10 kOhm resistor from the left hand side picture is connected to the pin 2 or 3 of the CV trimmer potentiometer. They are connected together on the PCB, so it does not matter which pin you use.

The 10 kOhm resistor from the left hand side picture is connected to the pin 2 or 3 of the CV trimmer potentiometer. They are connected together on the PCB, so it does not matter which pin you use.

STM32/Arduino source code

//STM32-based digital potmeter
#include <SPI.h> //SPI comunication 
//SPI on STM32: MOSI: PA7, SCK: PA5
//SPI on Arduino: MOSI: 11, SCK: 13

//16x2 LCD
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h> //SDA = B7[A4], SCL = B6[A5] STM32/[Arduino]
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2);

const byte CS1_pin = PA4; //CS pin for potmeter (Pick any on Arduino, Pin 10 is the "default")

float nominalVoltage = 0; //Calculated voltage, based on the 8-bit value

int counter_1 = 0; //counter for the potmeter 1 - 0-255 bit value

//Defining pins
const int RotaryCLK = PB3; //CLK pin on the rotary encoder
const int RotaryDT = PB4; //DT pin on the rotary encoder

//Statuses for the rotary encoder
int CLKNow;
int CLKPrevious;

int DTNow;
int DTPrevious;

// Time
float TimeNow1;
float TimeNow2;

void setup()
 Serial.begin(9600); //serial communication
 Serial.println("SZKB07 digital control"); //message on serial port

 pinMode(CS1_pin, OUTPUT); //Chip select is an output 
 digitalWrite(CS1_pin, HIGH); //Select potmeter

  lcd.begin();                      // initialize the lcd   
  lcd.setCursor(0,0); //Defining positon to write from first row,first column .
  lcd.print(" Digital SZKB07");
  lcd.setCursor(0,1); //Second row, first column
  lcd.print("    MCP41100 "); //You can write 16 Characters per line .
  delay(3000); //wait 3 sec
  //Store states of the rotary encoder
  CLKPrevious = digitalRead(RotaryCLK);
  DTPrevious = digitalRead(RotaryDT);
  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(RotaryCLK), rotate, CHANGE); //CLK pin is an interrupt pin
  //On STM32, you can pick any pin basically. On Arduino Uno and Nano, it is only Pin 2 and 3.

  TimeNow1 = millis(); //Start time 
  SPI.begin(); //start SPI for the digital potmeter

void loop() 
   TimeNow2 = millis();
  if(TimeNow2 - TimeNow1 > 200) //update LCD every 200 ms
    TimeNow1 = millis();

  writePotmeter(); //write the potmeter value in every loop


void writePotmeter()
    //CS goes low
    digitalWrite(CS1_pin, LOW);   
    SPI.transfer(0x11);  //command 00010001 [00][01][00][11]    
    SPI.transfer(counter_1); //transfer the integer value of the potmeter (0-255 value) 
    delayMicroseconds(100); //wait
    Serial.print("counter_1: ");    //send the data to the computer
    //CS goes high
    digitalWrite(CS1_pin, HIGH);

    //nominal voltage, based on the 5 V rail voltage and the counter_1 value
    nominalVoltage = counter_1 * 5.0 / 256.0; //5 V might not be 5.000 V exactly

void rotate()
  CLKNow = digitalRead(RotaryCLK); //Read the state of the CLK pin

  // If last and current state of CLK are different, then a pulse occurred  
  if (CLKNow != CLKPrevious  && CLKNow == 1){

    // If the DT state is different than the CLK state then
    // the encoder is rotating A direction: increase
    if (digitalRead(RotaryDT) != CLKNow) {
      if(counter_1 < 256)
      counter_1++; //increase counter by 1
        //Don't let it go above 255
    } else {
      // Encoder is rotating B direction so decrease
      if(counter_1 < 1)
       // Don't let it go below 0
      counter_1--; //decrease counter by 1
  CLKPrevious = CLKNow;  // Store last CLK state 

void printLCD()
    lcd.setCursor(0,0); // Defining positon to write from first row, first column .
    lcd.print("Pot level: ");
    lcd.print("        ");
    lcd.print(counter_1);    //Print the number of button clicks
    lcd.setCursor(0,1); // Defining positon to write from second row, first column .
    lcd.print("Voltage: ");
    lcd.print("      ");
    lcd.print(nominalVoltage);    //Print the number of pulses

 *  Resistance formula
 *  R = 100 kOhm *(256-x)/256 + Rw
 *  Rw = 125 for the 100 kOhm
 * /


ADS1256 - Fully working code and demonstration


Controlling the SZBK07 DC-DC converter