Let's discuss about Peltier coolers #2 - Performance chart

In this video I will show you how to read and understand the performance chart of the Peltier coolers. With this, you will be able to design your own system for a specific requirement. It is important to keep in mind that either you have a low temperature difference (DT) and high cooling power (Qc) or the other way around. Of course, you can increase the cooling power and maintain low temperatures by increasing the number of Peltiers, or significantly decreasing the temperature of the hot side, but these require some extra steps. For example, the extra power supply, the extra cooling...etc. Here, I discuss the issue for only one unit. I also demonstrate a real life example based on one of the comments I received on one of my Peltier-related videos.


Let's discuss about Peltier coolers #3 - Cooling the hot side


Let's discuss about Peltier coolers #1 - Water pump analogy