Custom reflow hot plate - Demo and coding

In this video I show you the assembled system with a much better heating plate than in the previous videos. I managed to obtain a nice ceramic heating plate which has much better characteristics (power and surface area) than the heater I used previously. After going through the main parts of the assembled system, I solder a simple PCB to demonstrate that the system works and after this demonstration I explain the source code line by line.

Additional images and resources

In the section below you can find some useful links which can help you to find the devices I used in the video. Each link I provide is an affiliate link and if you use them, you support my work. If you want to download the source code I showed in the video, please consider joining my YouTube membership!

If you want to buy the parts I used, please use the affiliate links below:

Arduino Nano

1.8” TFT LCD

Rotary encoder

MAX6675 thermocouple module

230 V AC to 5 V DC 600 mA PSU

Mica heater

40 mm fan

1.5 mm aluminium plate

Paper clips

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PCB from PCBWay

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Custom ADS1256 circuit


Custom reflow hot plate - Custom PCB