Digital read out (DRO) using an Arduino and a digital caliper

In this video I will show you how to connect your digital caliper to an Arduino and be able to receive the numbers on the computer. The Arduino code is not presented in the video, because you only have to copy and paste it. With this simple circuit, you can transform these cheap digital calipers into a powerful displacement sensor for your milling machine or anything where you want to detect small displacements.

Arduino source code

int bit_array[25];        // For storing the data bit. bit_array[0] = data bit 1 (LSB), bit_array[23] = data bit 24 (MSB).
unsigned long time_now;   // For storing the time when the clock signal is changed from HIGH to LOW (falling edge trigger of data output).
int CLOCK_PIN = 2;
int DATA_PIN = 3;
void setup() {
  pinMode(CLOCK_PIN, INPUT);
  pinMode(DATA_PIN, INPUT);
void loop() {
  while (digitalRead(CLOCK_PIN) == LOW) {}  // If clock is LOW wait until it turns to HIGH
  time_now = micros();
  while (digitalRead(CLOCK_PIN) == HIGH) {} // Wait for the end of the HIGH pulse
  if ((micros() - time_now) > 500) {        // If the HIGH pulse was longer than 500 micros we are at the start of a new bit sequence
    decode(); //decode the bit sequence
void decode() {
  int sign = 1;
  int i = 0;
  float value = 0.0;
  float result = 0.0;
  bit_array[i] = digitalRead(DATA_PIN);       // Store the 1st bit (start bit) which is always 1.
  while (digitalRead(CLOCK_PIN) == HIGH) {};
  for (i = 1; i <= 24; i++) {
    while (digitalRead(CLOCK_PIN) == LOW) { } // Wait until clock returns to HIGH
    bit_array[i] = digitalRead(DATA_PIN);  
    while (digitalRead(CLOCK_PIN) == HIGH) {} // Wait until clock returns to LOW
  for (i = 0; i <= 24; i++) {                 // Show the content of the bit array. This is for verification only.
    Serial.print(" ");
  for (i = 1; i <= 20; i++) {                 // Turning the value in the bit array from binary to decimal.
      value = value + (pow(2, i-1) * bit_array[i]);
  if (bit_array[21] == 1) sign = -1;          // Bit 21 is the sign bit. 0 -> +, 1 => -
  if (bit_array[24] == 1) {                   // Bit 24 tells the measuring unit (1 -> in, 0 -> mm)
     result = (value*sign) / 2000.00;
     Serial.print(result,3);                   // Print result with 3 decimals
     Serial.println(" in");
  } else {
     result = (value*sign) / 100.00;  
     Serial.print(result,2);                   // Print result with 2 decimals
     Serial.println(" mm");  


Electron Microscopy - Lecture 4 - LaB6 gun


Arduino with TB6600 using AccelStepper library