Two-way serial communication with Arduino

In this video I show you how to send and receive data between an Arduino and your computer. I show you how to use the switch-case and if() statement. I also show how to format your data to make it easier to handle on the computer.

Arduino source code

bool enablerun = false;
bool newData = false;
String sin1, sin2; //sin = Serial INput
float num1, num2; //num = number
char receivedCommand; //received character as a command
int cycles = 0;
void setup()
  Serial.begin(9600); //define baud rate
  Serial.println("Testing Serial Commands"); //print a message
  Serial.println("m = mirror");
  Serial.println("a = add two numbers");
  Serial.println("c = count");
  Serial.println("d = send formatted data");
  Serial.println("s = stop sending data");
void loop()
  //Comment out one of these below. Either use the Switch-Case or the if()
  CheckSerialSwitchCase(); //This is with Switch - Case
  //CheckSerialIF(); //This is with IF()
  sendFormattedData(); //This is a function
void CheckSerialIF() //Checking the serial port via IF statements
  if (Serial.available() > 0) //if something comes from the Serial. This part only checks the serial.
    receivedCommand =; // this will read the command character
    newData = true; //this creates a flag and says there's a data coming
  if (newData == true) //if we received something (see above)
    if (receivedCommand == 'm') //this is the mirror part
      sin1 = Serial.readString(); //Read one serial input
      Serial.print("Message was: ");
    if (receivedCommand == 'a') //addition
      //example: a 42 1
      while (!Serial.available());
      num1 = Serial.parseFloat();
      num2 = Serial.parseFloat();
      addTwoNumbers(num1, num2);
    if (receivedCommand == 'c') //Counting
      //example: c 5
      while (!Serial.available());      
      num1 = Serial.parseFloat();
    if (receivedCommand == 'd') //Sending formatted data
      enablerun = true; // this enables the function for sending formatted data
    if (receivedCommand == 's') //immediately stops the code
      enablerun = false;
  //after we went through the above tasks, newData becomes false again, so we are ready to receive new commands again.
  newData = false;
void CheckSerialSwitchCase() //Checking the serial port via Switch-Case
  if (Serial.available()) { //If there are bytes/characters coming through the serial port
    char commandcharacter =; //read the character for the command
    switch (commandcharacter) { //we read a character which can
    case 'm': //m = "mirror"; we send back the received stuff
      sin1 = Serial.readString(); //Read one serial input
      Serial.print("Message was: ");
    case 'a': //a = "addition"; we add two numbers      
      //example: a 42 1
      while (!Serial.available());
      num1 = Serial.parseFloat();
      num2 = Serial.parseFloat();
      addTwoNumbers(num1, num2);
    case 'c': //c as count
      //example: c 5
      while (!Serial.available());
      num1 = Serial.parseFloat();
    case 'd': //we request formatted data
      enablerun = true; // this enables the function for sending formatted data      
    case 's': //s = stop; we make enablerun false, so we stop receiving data.
      enablerun = false;
void addTwoNumbers(float sin1, float sin2)//This function adds two numbers and prints it on the serial
  float result; //create a variable for storing the result
  result = num1 + num2; //adding the two numbers
  Serial.print("The result is: "); //text
  Serial.println(result); //result
void counterCode(double num1) //We count until a certain number and in every second we print a number
  for(int i = 0; i<num1; i++)
    delay(1000); //wait a second
    Serial.println(" seconds elapsed");
void sendFormattedData()// we create a random series of data which will be transferred to the serial terminal formatted
  if (enablerun == true)
    Serial.print(cycles);  //we just print an increasing integer
    Serial.print('\t'); //separate it with a tab
    Serial.print(millis()); //we print some increasing number, such as the cpu's time
    Serial.print('\t'); //separation
    Serial.print(millis() * 3); //some number which increases proportional to the time
    Serial.println(); //new line
    //expected output format: 1 1000  3000
    delay(1000); //waiting a second
    cycles++; //increase the number of loops


Developing Serial Terminal for Arduino in C#


JCS-900 DRO with Arduino and LCD