Refrigeration with 4x TEC12706 Peltier Block

In this video I share some Peltier-related experiments with you. I connected a 4xTEC12706 Peltier block with a PC water cooling system, and used the cold side to cool down the air in a small polystyrene box. As you will see, the air cools down relatively quickly to 4-5°C, but if you place any objects into the cooling box, it will take a lot of time (or a lot of power) to cool it down. This is a sort of a demonstration of the inefficiency of these coolers. If you really want to see quick and noticeable results, you will end up using many of these units which will require a lot of power. On the other hand, it is a good device to maintain the temperature of an already cooled (and insulated) object. So, they can be used for example in cooler boxes to maintain the cold inside the box. But it is important to place already cold objects in it.


Cooling a jug of water with a single TEC12715


Direct control of a stepper motor using a rotary encoder and the accelstepper library